
lördag 8 oktober 2011

I miss those days

Things are going a bit overboard now, all this fucking stress in school, at home, everywhere..  it's a true miracle if my wrinkles NOT beginning to show up soon..  I can't finish a single thing without someone starting to pressing me down with new stuff. Right now I'm standing here with what feels like thousand different things that I have to do, but I can't take it any more.

Though, i can, if I just want to, but if i don't want then? Waht if i want to be a kid again, just have fun, go back to the time where you didnt know waht love was, and the closest you've ever been a real kiss was when your mother kissed you good-night.

I got way too big responsibility, and already in the early years I had to learn to be almost completely independent,  when I was ten I had already suffered and gone through things as a ten year old girl shouldn't even know about. And I have been forced to make such important decisions (which was known would give obvious consequences  for my life in the future) (and belive me, they have..) totally on my own, that I now, don't really know what to do about the problems that's slowly but surely are growing up, I was forced to grow up too soon.

Or was it I, that forced myself to it?

It's a possibility that you might think that I'm just sitting here and whining.
I know, I should be happy, but I guess I'm not in a mood for that right now..

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