
lördag 6 augusti 2011

Don't talk shit behind someone's back, because it will always come back to you

I'm so sick of hearing people talk shit about someone, and for example say that they don't want to hang out with him/her, because he's so boring or she's so annoying. And then the day after, it's as if nothing has happened  you se this person play best friends with the person she talked shit about before and THEY PROBABLY talk shit about the person she talked to and pretended to trust the day before. It's make no sence, in all case not to me. It's just a play that goes round and round and round, ask youself, do you really think that gonna work out, HA HA NOOOOOO! NEVER ^^ 

Let me tell you a thing, this is personally experience, i did the terrible misstake to do this to a person, and actually, i can still sometimes do it, it's not on purpose, i'm not proud of it! Anyway, this was this guy, and I started to get feelings for him, I said that it was he who started to get feelings for me and that he was so annoying and I hated him, and "Ohh shiit he's the worst stalker EVVEER! o_O'", 
but yes .. ^ ^ OF COURSE I could not fool anyone except myself and it all came back to me when the lie had gone too far, i hade to tell the truth to the person I least of all want to hurt (why else would I lie in the first place?) and I learned, First: It's extremely embarrassing, Second: It's not fucking worth it.  

So, to all you out there who keeps on like this, or something like that, DON'T DO IT, IT'S  WASTE OF TIME to go around and lie, especially to all others, but also for yourselves. Promice, you'll never be able to earn anything on it ;)

Du kommer aldrig kunna finnas där och stötta någon på riktigt om du själv aldrig har gråtit.

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