
tisdag 16 augusti 2011

You never know what you've got until you lose it

                                  26/7-2010 kl. 00:25  -  15/8 -2011 20:52 

And I lost you.. The only one that has always been there for me, every day, every night, every second of this year that has passed,you have been the person who has been my life, who has been my everything, that been there when I cried, you've been there when I laughed, you've been there no matter how much I yelled at you, angry as I was. You have been there for me through thick and thin, and everything I've ever done is let you down, hurt you, been a fucking whore. 

Natten då det blev vi, kände jag mig oövervinnlig, kändes som om jag kunde flyga, om jag inte hittade ett sätt att hålla mig kvar på marken så skulle jag snart flyga iväg. 

I just can't believe you're gone 
Still waiting for morning to come 
Wanna see if the sun will rise 
Even without you by my side

When we had so much in store 
Tell me what is it I'm reaching for 
When we're through building memories 
I'll hold yesterday in my heart 
In my heart

They can take tomorrow and the plans we made 
They can take the music that we'll never play 
All the broken dreams, take everything 
Just take it away but they can never have yesterday 
They can take the future that we'll never know 
They can take the places that we said we would go 
All the broken dreams, take everything 
Just take it away but they can never have yesterday

Jag lyssnade på, Leona Lewis - Yesterday, och tänkte att den dagen, om den någonsin kommer, då vi gör slut, ska jag lyssna på denna och tänka tillbaks på den här kvällen. 

15/8 -2011. Sitter med din kvarglömda tröja på mig, den luktar fortfarande dig, nallen jag fick av dig i julas har jag tätt tryckt mot mig, och lyssnar på låten jag för så länge sedan sa att jag skulle göra. 

I just can't believe you're gone 
Still waiting for morning to come 
Wanna see if the sun will rise 
Even without you by my side.

Varför skulle du inte skriva godmorgon när jag vaknar, varför skulle du inte fråga hur jag sovit, fråga vad jag drömt, fråga vad jag ska göra under dagen, jag vägrar tro att du är borta, jag vill inte, vågar inte inse det. Så varför skulle du inte göra det där för? Det är väl för fan en helt vanlig dag, precis som alla andra dagar? Det är klart han kommer skriva! Fan det är klart han kommer! Jag har aldrig kunnat hindra tårarna när dom kommit ifall det gällt dig. Det var ingen skillnad den här gången. För du kommer inte skriva något "Godmorgon älskling<3" till mig, sanningen börjar visa sig för mig hur mycket jag än försökt hindra det. Du är borta. Och här sitter jag med din tröja och nalle och bara, minns. Det finns bara minnen kvar. Det finns inget Du&Jag, det finns inget Vi. Och det kommer det aldrig göra igen. 

The moment i knew that it wasn't you and me anymore, I walked out the door, out in the rain, and ran. Tried to run away from the horrible pain, just kept running, scratched up my feet because I ran barefoot. When the rain stopped, I stayed up for the first time and fell down on my knees and just sat there and didn't wanna believe it was true.

I yelled at myself, No, this is just a dream, this has not happened, for he .. He .. I loved him.
But sometimes thats just not enough. 
                                                       Sunday, 11/7-2010
You took the guitar, and played, You're Beautiful by James Blunt. I looked at you, and knew there was something special about you. That evening, you took my hand and we walked hand in hand at the train station, and just before you went on the train home, you kissed me for the first time. 

                                                       Friday, 5/10-2010 
You took my hand, you held me close to you. You started dancing with me in your arms, 
and we stood there in my room, and danced to the song "Home" by Westlife.
I've never been a good dancer, but you didn't care,
you just looked into my eyes the whole time, and I could not keep myself from laughing because it was so cute.

Det kan inte bara vara slut, bara vara över. För jag svor den dagen att jag aldrig någonsin skulle kunna sluta älska dig. Och att det för alltid skulle vara Du&Jag, att det för alltid skulle vara Vi.

I never thought it would be so difficult to live one hundred miles apart. But we had each other, and that was all that mattered.

I was him, he was me,
We were one we were free.
And if there's somebody calling me on,
He's the one.
If there's somebody calling me on,

He's the one.

We were young we were wrong
We were fine all along.
If there's somebody calling me on,
He's the one.

Sometimes life is just shit, but I must try to move on. 

But I only have myself to blame. I wanted to love you. Wanted to be yours. Wanted to share my life with you.But the saddest thing on this earth is that you can't control you're feelings.

But I am ashamed when I think of what I have subjected you to. And when I think of how I treated you. 

You have always been worth so much more than anyone can give.

I just was not ready, you were my first love and I will always remember you. For you will always have a special place in my heart.
You never did anything wrong. In my eyes you are perfect, And you will forever be. 

Goodbye my lover. 

It may be over but it won't stop there 
I am here for you if you'd only care 

You touched my heart you touched my soul 
You changed my life and all my goals 
And love is blind and that I knew when 
My heart was blinded by you 
I've kissed your lips and held your head 
Shared your dreams and shared your bed 
I know you well, I know your smell 
I've been addicted to you 

Goodbye my lover 
Goodbye my friend 
You have been the one 
You have been the one for me 

And I still hold your hand in mine 
In mine when I'm asleep 
And I will bear my soul in time 
When I'm kneeling at your feet 

Goodbye my lover 
Goodbye my friend 
You have been the one 
You have been the one for me 

                                                            Monday, 15/8-2011


Alltid din Jordnötsformade Knubbsälspudel<3

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